Recent Posts
- T1: Basics on Quantum Computing
- C1: Shuffles and Circuits (On Lower Bounds for Modern Parallel Computation)
- T1: Finite Field
- T1: PRAM Model: All Basics
- A: My Poem (3): Rainy Day
- T1: Measure Theory 01
- T1: The Corruption Method in Communication Complexity (2)
- T1: The Corruption Method in Communication Complexity (1)
- A: My Poem (2): I suddenly understand the art
- T1: Infimum and Minimum
- A: My Poem (2): I suddenly understand the art
- T1: Infimum and Minimum
- C1: Direct Sums in Communication Complexity
- C1: One-Way Communication Complexity
- C1: The Augmented Indexing Problem
- C1: The Indexing Problem: Different Proofs (3)
- T1: The reasons why you do not understand the theory papers
- C1: The Indexing Problem: Different Proofs (2)
- T1: Entropy and Counting
- C1: The Indexing Problem: Different Proofs (1)
- T1: KL Divergence and Mutual Information
- C1: Multi-party Communication Model Applications (3): Welfare maximization with limited interaction
- T1: Some Definitions in Property Testing
- C1: Multi-party Communication Model Applications (2)
- C1: Multi-party Communication Model Applications (1): Lower bounds for distributed sketching of maximal matchings and maximal independent sets
- T1: Multi-party Communication Model (NOF)
- T1: Basics about Mutual Information
- T1: Compress Interactive Communication (2)
- C1: An MIS Lower bound in Semi-Streaming Model
- C1: A Speedup Theorem (a technique for lower bounds)
- C1: What Can be Computed Locally?
- T1: Bipartite Expander Graphs
- T1: Basic Techniques in Property Testing
- C1: Network Decomposition (2)
- C1: Monotonicity Testing
- C1: Network Decomposition (Low-Diameter Graph Decomposition)
- T1: Discrepancy (2)
- T1: A Simple Question 2: Parseval's Inequality
- T1: Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Matrix
- T1: A Simple Question 1
- T1: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- T1: Discrepancy (1)
- T1: Vector Norms and Matrix Norms
- T1: Algebraic Matching Algorithms (1)
- T1: What is Determinant
- T1: Distributed Algorithms on Coloring (1)
- T1: Coding Theory (2)
- C1: Distributional Disjointness (Non information theory)
- C1: Pointer Chasing Problem
- T1: Two Important Distances
- C1: Lower Bounds for Set Disjointness (for product distribution)
- C1: Yao's minimax principle
- C1: A little advice can be very helpful!
- C1: Private Coins and Public Coins
- T1: Measure Theory