
C1: The Indexing Problem: Different Proofs (1)

Reminder: This post contains 1979 words · 6 min read · by Xianbin

Problem Definition (INDEXING)

Alice has a string \(S\) while Bob has an index. The goal is to let Bob output \(S_i\). Namely, Bob needs to know the \(i\)-th (index starts from 1) elements in \(S\) without giving Alice the index (otherwise, it is trivial.) We know that the lower bound of communication complexity for INDEXING is \(\Omega(n)\).

The First Proof


Imagin the following scenario: You know \(Y\), and you want to estimate correlated variable \(X\). What can you do? And, what is the wrong probability.

We can see that if \(H(X\mid Y)\) is very small, i.e., after knowing \(Y\), we almost know \(X\). Then, we have a small wrong probability.

Fano’s inequality quantifiers the above observation.

\(\textbf{Fano's Inequality}\). Given a Markov chain \(X_0 \to Y \to X_1\) Let \(p_e = P(X_1 \neq X_0)\). Then, we have

\[H_2(p_e) + p_e\log (\lvert \text{supp}(X_0)\rvert-1) \geq H(X_0\mid X_1) \geq H(X_0 \mid Y)\]

where \(H_2(p_e)\) is the binary entropy, i.e., \(H_2(p_e) = p_e \log \frac{1}{p_e} + (1-p_e) \log \frac{1}{1-p_e}\).

The Proof using Information Theory

For simplicity, let us consider a uniform distribution on \(S \in \{0,1\}^n\).

Let \(\Pi\) be the one-way transcript with \(\ell\) bits. Here is a Markov Chain: \(S \to \Pi \to S'\), where \(S\) is the string and \(S'\) is the set of estimated indexes (a vector).

The information revealed by \(\Pi\) is

\[I(\Pi: S) = H(S) - H(S\mid \Pi) = n - H(S\mid \Pi)\] \[H(S\mid \Pi) = \sum_{i=1}^n H(S_i \mid S_{<i}, \Pi)\]

How to use Fano’s inequality?

From \(S \to \Pi \to S'\), we know that, \(S\mid \Pi \perp S' \mid \Pi\). Then, we have

\[S_i \mid \Pi \perp S_i' \mid \Pi\]

Then, we have a Markov chain \(S_i \to M \to S_i'\).

By Fano’s inequality, we have

\[H_2(p_e) + p_e \log (\lvert 2 \rvert - 1) \geq H(S_i\mid \Pi)\]

That is, \(H_2(p_e) \geq H(S_i\mid \Pi)\)

Just consider \(p_e = 1/3\), we have \(H_2(1/3) < 1\). Then, we have

\[H(S_i \mid \Pi) < 1.\]

Therefore, \(\sum_{i=1}^n H(S_i \mid S_{<i}, \Pi) \leq \sum_{i=1}^n H(S_i\mid \Pi) \leq cn\) where \(c<1\).

Then, we have \(H(S\mid \Pi) \leq c n\)

So, we have

\[I(\Pi: S) \geq \Omega(n)\]

Also, we know that

\[I(\Pi: S) \leq H(\Pi) \leq \sum_{i}^\ell H(\Pi[i])\leq \ell\]

Then, we obtain that

\[\ell \geq \Omega(n)\]


[1]CS 15-859: Algorithms for Big Data Fall 2020 Lecture 11 — 11/19/20 Prof. David Woodruff.