
C1: Static EDCS

Reminder: This post contains 1760 words · 6 min read · by Xianbin

This post is based on [1].

The definition of EDCS can be seen in the post EDCS Definitions.

1. EDCS for a bipartite graph

Lemma 1\textbf{Lemma 1}. Let G=(L,R,E)G=(L, R, E) be a bipartite graph and ϵ<1/2\epsilon < 1/2. For λϵ4\lambda \leq \frac{\epsilon}{4}, β22λ18ϵ\beta_2 \geq 2\lambda^{-1} \geq \frac{8}{\epsilon}, and β1(1λ)β28/ϵ2\beta_1 \geq (1-\lambda)\beta_2 \geq 8/\epsilon -2, H:=EDCS(G,β1,β2)H:=EDCS(G, \beta_1,\beta_2), μ(G)(3/2+ϵ)μ(H)\mu(G) \leq (3/2+\epsilon)\mu(H).

So, let us try to prove this in one hour. For bipartite matching, we had to know the famous Hall’s Theorem.

Lemma 2(Hall’s Marriage Theorem)\textbf{Lemma 2} \text{(Hall's Marriage Theorem)}. A biparite graph G=(L,R,E)G=(L, R, E) has a perfect graph if and only if AL:AN(S)\forall A\subseteq L: \lvert A\rvert \leq \lvert N(S) \rvert and BR:BN(B)\forall B\subseteq R: \lvert B\rvert \leq \lvert N(B) \rvert.

But what if a bipartite graph does not have a perfect matching. There is a conception that is interesting.

Deficiency\textbf{Deficiency}. Let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be a graph and let UU be an independent set of vertices. We use NG(U)N_G(U) to denote the set of neighbors of UU. The deficiency of a set UU is defined as defG(U)=UNG(U)def_G(U) = \lvert U \rvert - \lvert N_G(U) \rvert If GG is a bipartite graph G=(L,R,E)G=(L, R, E), we define def(G;L)=maxUdefG(U)def(G;L) = \max_U def_G(U)

Theorem 1\textbf{Theorem 1}. Every bipartite graph G=(L,R,E)G=(L,R,E) admits a matching with size μ(G)Ldef(G;L)=ndef(G,L).\mu(G) \geq \lvert L\rvert- def(G;L) = n -def(G,L).

To prove Lemma 1, we need to find the relationship between EDCS and the above observation. I feel EDCS is a set of sampling average edges. The degree of each node in EDCS is similar. What does that help us prove this lemma?

( After 0.5 hour ......) Oh, I cannot know how to find the relationship. Let me try to start from the conclusion. There is an obstacle: how to remove max\max from the formula?

It is not easy to prove this lemma. I will try to prove this next time.

To be continued....

2. EDCS for a non-bipartite graph


[1]. Assadi, Sepehr, and Aaron Bernstein. “Towards a Unified Theory of Sparsification for Matching Problems.” 2nd Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms. 2019.